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In the name of ALLAH, Our Creator and Sustainer, Lord of the Worlds and Master of the Day of Judgment. Praise be to Allah, who created man in the best of moulds.

It’s that time of the year again… the month of Rabi-Auwal, the 3rd month in the Islamic Calendar. In it lies a specific date on which the greatest of Allah’s creations was born.

The 12th Rabi-Auwal is seen as a day of jubilation around the world. Expressing our delight and thanking Allah for sending Sayidina Mogamad (saw) to this dunya.

The Meelad un Nabi celebrations has been a long and established institution in South Africa, especially in Cape Town. The famous Ruwayats and Qasaa-id of Sheik Jafar –Al- Barzanji(RA) is recited at most, if not all Meelad un Nabi programmes in the Cape. The melodious recitations(laagoes)beautify the odes and poems.

It is also that time of the year when various views of whether to celebrate Meelad is allowed, okay, not totally okay, maybe or totally garaam. Words of “Bid’ah” float round. The masajied, community or organisation is affected by these views and one has to tip toe around the issue in certain circles. The amount of time spent on these issues is worth nothing. It ranges from discussions, debates, fiqh questions and fatawas (rulings) on the permissibility or non permissibility of celebrating the birth date of Rasul (SAW).

It has become such a regular feature in the calendar year that the normality of it, seems to not interest people anymore. There are those who celebrate yearly, those who don’t raise their hands this time of the year. Then there are those who just don’t care and those who like to feel the fire.

Our view is as follows:

Question: Is the act of celebrating Meelad-un-Nabie a Fard ?

Answer: NO

Question: Is it permissible

Answer: YES

  • Reciting Quran
  • Bringing people together
  • Praising Allah
  • Praising Rasul (SAW)
  • Listening to Naseegah/Advice
  • Sharing food
  • Re-affirming our faith
  • Showing off the beauty of Islam
  • Dressing smartly. Adorning  with perfume
  • Listening to the history of Rasul (SAW)

All of the above being permissible in Islam. There was NO need to do it in the time of Rasul (SAW), as the Rasul (SAW) was amongst the sagababs. They saw him loved him and had the opportunity to see him daily. What an honour! To look at the Nabie was a celebration. Even in later generations. People saw people, who saw Rasul (SAW) and acted like him. That too would have been an honour.

As time has evolved and the dunya has gripped people, we see less of the “connection” to Rasul (SAW). To bring people together to remind them of the Rasul (SAW) message is therefore necessary.

If it became elaborate or added cultural trends, that is debatable – but to condemn is not the way. Also, how do I stop my fellow Muslim from expressing their love for Rasul (SAW). Don’t limit or stop that inside a believer. We are told in a Hadith to love Rasul (SAW) “more than our wives, children, and the whole of mankind” or our Iemaan will not be complete. Imagine that, take time to ponder on this.

The Meelad un Nabie celebration must draw us closer to Him. The Living Quran, Rahmatoel liel alameen, the best of Creation, the ultimate guide and role model. Try to perform more sunnahs  in this year, evaluate him…but continue to sing the qasaa-id, ruwayaats and poems. Combine bothaspects, this community needs it….

Imam Isma-eel Davids


Biesmillah hieraghmaan ieragheem. 
“In the name if Allah the most beneficent the most merciful”

All praise and thanks be to our Creator Sustainer and Nourisher His graces are eternally with us and mere words cannot express our gratitude. He is:
“AR-RAHMAAN”(the entirely merciful)
“AR-RAHEEM”(the bestower of mercy)
“AL-MUQTADIR”(the omnipotent)
especially to those who praise him in ibaadah. 
Algamdulillah, as the month of Thul Ghijja 1440 draws to a close, we look forward to our new islamic year of 1441. Ushering in the new year, it will be the symbolic month of Mugarram 1441. This month holds great significance in that it symbolises the HIJRAH (Migration) of our Nabie Muhamad(saw) in tumultous times from Makkah to Madina in the year 622AD and simultaneously the birth of our islamic lunar calender.

Let us not squander this opportunity of a new year/month to reflect and to grasp at renewing our faith and commitment to our merciful Creator and our beautiful deen. Let the physical Hijra that out Prophet (saw) experienced in dire times, be an inspiration for us to journey from any negativity we are experiencing to a place of positivity and favourableness i.e. be it in our thoughts, actions, attitudes or way of life. 

We should let our metaphorical Hijra be a journey/movement of change from our inner self to be the best outerself in all aspects of life in our homes, communities and workplace, in doing so we can transform ourselves to serve our Creator and His creation to the best of our ability Insha Allah.

The dawn of the new year 1441 and Mugarram spells exciting times for us at Ibaadu-Raghmaan Islamic Society Algamdullilah the opening of our new masjied will take place this month. The opening of our doors see’s the commencement of all our Islamic activities, classes, lectures and programmes as well.

Algamdullilah its been a long road but we have finally reached our goal.

With the opening of the Masjied / Islamic Society we sincerely pray that it would serve its purpose to the fullest as the Almighty has intended and that we at Ibaadu-Raghmaan are fullfillng our role as the “Slaves of the Merciful” Insha Allah.
Further information regarding times dates, classes, lectures, events and activities will be duly posted on our website, we appeal to our Creator to accept our sincere efforts Insha Allah.

May the new year be filled with love, ghayr, barakah, afieya and khidmat (service to others)

Let the theme of this forthcoming year be “GAYRAAT WA NOOR” (enlightment and light) INSHA ALLAH

Imam Isma-eel Davids