

Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Ragmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh

Algamdullilah, the holy month of Ramadaan will soon be upon us. The great friend that comes around once a year, bringing many gifts and rewards.

If we are honestly introspective, would we really fast 30 consecutive days of our own accord? Allah(swt) has commanded us and has made fasting a compulsory (fard) act on all Muslims. Through fasting, we develop God consciousness and experience what the pious encounter daily in their lives.

“Oh you who believe that fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed to those before you, so you will develop God consciousness.” (Surah Baqara)

In this holy month, we can increase our spirituality and develop God consciousness, if we discard the chains and shackles of our nafs (the self, ego). Self-indulgences such as eating, drinking and sexual relations can overpower the self and the inner soul, if not stemmed and controlled. The significance of fasting in this holy month of Ramadaan, is to discipline one’s mind and body. If we are prohibited from that which is normally “halaal” during the month of Ramadaan, it becomes easier to refrain from haraam acts beyond the holy month.

Ramadaan encompasses more than just fasting (siyaam). It is an environmental change, a conscious move by an individual towards his/her creator. The physical, mental, physiological and spiritual facets of our being are utilized to achieve this. The very word Ramadaan comes from the word “Ramda” meaning to scorch, burn. So effectively Allah(swt) is metaphorically “burning” away our sins. In this month our entire being should be involved in the process of spiritual cleansing, in order to remove our sins. As a result of this we change without realisation. Ramadaan is like an ocean of mercy, forgiveness, love, blessings, goodness, sincerity, generosity, patience, humility, self-restraint and obedience. All we need to do is immerse ourselves into this ocean of spirituality.

The greatest gift that this month brings forth, is our holy Quran (AL-Kalaam) from Allah(swt). The start of the quranic revelation happened on the revered night of Laylatoel Qadr. This great miracle sent to our Nabie Mogamad(SAW) via the angel Jibreel (AS) from Allah(swt) as the ultimate and only guide for the whole of mankind.

“The month of Ramadaan is the month in which the Quran was revealed as a guidance for mankind and the criteria for what is right and wrong.” (Surah Baqara)

The Quran was sent down to the whole of mankind, not only Muslims. Our role as Muslims, is to educate and spread this message to the non-believers and uninformed. Ramadaan thus affords us the opportunity to present the beauty of Al–Quran. We welcome this month and eagerly await its arrival. Ramadaan gives us another opportunity to become “Slaves of the Merciful” Ibaadur – Raghmaan.



Hafiz Qasiem Ganief Fadl Salie
Hafiz Adeeb Bassier Maahier Salie
Hafiz Soliegh Diedrichs Isgaak Martin
Hafiz Yusuf Sadan Youth of Madressa
Hafiz Sufyaan Davids  
Hafiz Goosain Davids  
  1. Eshaai Salaah will be delayed by 5-7 minutes, due to the travelling of the musallees to the venue as Iftar (Magrieb Salaah) is early.
  2. Greater than 1/4 juz will be recited at night during the 20 Raka-aats.
  3. Recital of Ratibool Gedaad after Taraweeg salaah on a Thursday night
  4. 5 minute talk after Taraweeg salaah every night
  5. Laylatoel Qadr programme will be finalized and communicated to the Jamaah.

Imam M I Davids
Shabaan 1440 (May 2019)


Besides the physical benefits of fasting, the spiritual benefits are just as important, if not more – to develop La-ala koem tata-koon, “To develop Taqwa –God consciousness.”

Imam Ghazzali (RA) mentions 3 classes of people who fast.

• The first (amm) –The general muslim public, who complete their duties to Allah as

• The second (ghaas), the elite, who fast but put in effort, their eyes fast, ears, feet, hands and they control them of blameworthy acts. They place great emphasis on themselves and regard anything minor as a major sin.

• The third (Ghaas alan Ghaas). The Elite of the Elite, these who, if they think of anything besides Allah have broken their fast. This is surely a high degree, a lofty position and tremendous feat to accomplish. This is truly the selected few. It should be our intention to reach this level.

It is best for man to start slowly with what is manageable. To look at him/herself and say “what do I need to change –to develop God consciousness?” What has kept us from this path to Allah. It starts by the physical. Ultimately these are the pathways by which we take in spirituality.
We should:-

  1. Restrain the eyesight. This is the quickest way for evil, bad to enter the body.
  2. To restrain the tongue from useless talk, lies, abuse, slander and back-biting.
  3. To restrain the ear. “Don’t remain silent to back-biting –You are like them.” (9:139)
  4. To save the hands, feet and organs from sin.
  5. To not fill the belly with wrong food. “The worst reservoir of all is a belly which is filled”. If belly remains full, sexual passions increases, greed and temptation.
  6. To develop will power and endurance. We decide to fast, we make a niyyah. We become tapered like steel in fire. We realize our inner strength. Our spirit rises. So many Ambiya Allah achieved so much while fasting.

Ayesha (RA) asked the prophet (saw) “How do I knock at the doors of Jannah?”
He replied: “With hunger, especially fast, it narrows the path of Shaytaan.”
Allah our Creator, knows us best and therefore gave us this month to develop ourselves. A month of high intensity training. A month, in which, we learn the inner secret of our ibaadah, without sitting in a formal class.

We ask Allah to make us of the Elite. Insha-Allah.

Imam M. I. Davids
Ramadaan 1440 (May 2019)


Ramadaan is in injury time. As the saying goes “The fast is going fast.” The days speed by in our busy life. We move in our world without realizing that the time has marched on.

Which reminds us of another saying ”Time is like a sword, either you cut with it or it will cut you down”.

This is the ideal time to reflect: How have I treated this good friend (Ramadaan) that have come to visit us, once a year.

Some of the points to ponder on are:

  1. Do I welcome Ramadaan with Whatsapp messages?
  2. Do I look out for IFTAR invitations?
  3. Do I skip taraweeg for “other” social activities?
  4. Does it raise my social status if I do a little bit of “charity” work for the poor? (Also post it on social media)
  5. Do I attend qiyaamie-layl programmes, so as to skip work the next day or to show my “Ramadaan spiritual strength”?
  6. Are our freezers stacked to capacity, to satisfy our greed or is it really to feel what the poor feel?
  7. Is the night before Eid, a night I spend in Canal Walk buying shoes, rather than rushing to pay my fitrah, wherever there is a an outlet?

If you thinking about the above or you are involved then we really need to check-up, from the neck-up.

Ramadaan has become a ritual. Nothing else. Just another habit or activity for 29/30 days. Hopefully only 29 for most people…

If we did not see the meanings in the verses of the Quran before Ramadaan, if we did not fast before the month, if we hardly give charity before the month, hardly visited family and never stood up before Fajr – then Ramadaan is just a name.

This is a month of high intensity training. A month by which we are “raw”, true and real in front of our Lord without any additions /no frills. And if Allah created us….He knows best when we are raw and real and when we are putting on a facade.

We ask Allah to help us grow in this month……..  to grow close to Him and to continue with the lessons Ramadaan taught us ……….. beyond Ramadaan.

Imam M.I. Davids

Ramadaan 1440 (May 2019)


Ramadaan has come and left and now…….?

What happens now?
What will we be doing during the day?
What will we do an hour after Eshaai?
What will my status show on my cell-phone?

As in the case of …“Yippee it’s over … yes finally I can watch TV, play video games,
follow my series in peace…
Whatever Ramadaan was for you, we were the lucky ones to witness it. Just to have
been in it is a blessing in itself. Whatever little we did, may our Merciful Creator grant
us the reward for it Insha-Allah.
The hope remains for us to not lose hope, not momentum.
“The most beloved acts to Allah is what we do, albeit a little but consistently.”
 Replace the hour after Eshaai with a class, a good Islamic cd or dvd.
 Continue the charity work, once a month (if possible).
 Read Fajr and add in 2 extra Tahajjud prayers before Fajr.
 Talk to the nasty or unfriendly person at work that never greets.
Make an attempt, that is all Allah wants….try. Take the first step. Keep the flame
burning, albeit small. At least it gives some light.
Isn’t strange how the first day after Ramadaan is the 1 st day of Ghajj months?
It’s as if Allah wants us to keep on with the spirituality, we have developed in the holy
month. It’s easier for the one going on Ghajj, more difficult for the person who is not.
But with both there are benefits.
The journey of Ghajj is a journey towards ourselves. The ultimate meaning is man’s
relationships with Allah and other mankind. He/she learns this in Ramadaan, so easy
to stay away from garaam (non-permissible) acts when one enters into the clothes of
Ihraam. When one performs salaah in the Garam, one is use to a crowd and
standing like in Taraweeg. In Makkah and Medina one is regulated by the time of
Solaah, like in Ramadaan when time was so important for Soghoor and Magrieb.
The connections are there we must just see it. We ask Allah to clear our eyes to
make us see it then act upon it.
Hope you had a blessed EID and let us continue to good deeds Insh-Allah


Imam M.I. Davids
Shawwal 1440 (June 2019)

Salaam dearly beloved brothers & sisters in Islam. It is with  utmost heartfelt  humility & gratitude that we would like to take this opportunity to thank firstly Allah SWT, our creator & sustainer, then to one & all for their support donations duas & well wishes in contributing to the acquisition of the masjied in Observatory. Algamdullilah the property has been fully acquired & registered in the name of Masjiedul Ibaaduraghmaan, subaganallah. We will endeavour to keep everyone informed on our progress as we begin our renovations, please keep us in your duas …. praise be to Allah. SWT