

Eid-ul Fitr is the first day of Shawwal, which is also the commencement of the months of Ghajj i.e the months of Shawwal, Dhil Qaida, Dhil Hijja.

Just as we prepared for the month of Ramadaan, likewise we should prepare well in advance for the days of Ghajj.

Ghajj – a Rukun of Islam, is a life changing journey. A journey towards oneself. Allah mentions in the Quran”Ghajj is a duty owed to Allah”.

Ghajj is the promise our souls make in the realm of Arwaagh (souls) to the Almighty before we physically come into existence into this world. This promise has to be completed with one’s physically body, taking it through all the rituals and ibaadah of
Ghajj. Therefore it is not coincidental that the echo of the Ghujaaj is “Labyk Allah Hoema Labyk. Allah here I am OH Allah here I am. Here I am to fulfill my rights to the Creator.”
Everything about this journey is a lesson. A valuable lesson taught to us by our Creator, without attending a formal class. All the rituals and actions associated with Ghajj i.e Ramadaan, the build up to learning, the family gatherings, the visitations to Auliya (Karamaats) and the graves of our deceased family, the flight to Mecca, the arrival in a
very hot foreign country, Medina, Miqaat Bir Ali, Makkah, Aziziya, the plains of Mina, Arafah, Muzdalifa, the holy Kaabah, the shoats of Saa’e, the return to the plains of Mina, performing Tawaaful Widaa and finally returning back home. These are all lessons with a significant deeper meaning i.e. Sha’aa-ier (a sign indicating something extraordinary). If we can grasp the deeper meaning or be willing puppets at the hand of the Puppeteer then the journey has meaning.

Hadeeth of Nabie Mogamad SAW:-“Moetoe anta qablah moetoe – Die before you Die.”
Detach yourself from the things that bind you to this world. We must be completely humbled in front of Allah.

Ghajj is an opportunity to experience the feeling of Qiyaamah before actual Qiyaamah. It’s an opportunity to experience death – before you die. It’s an opportunity to transform your soul.

So as ghujaaj stands on Arafaah- a self-realization (Who am I?) encompasses them. The word Arafah means: “To know.” So the ghujaaj comes to know themselves, their limitations, their good deeds, and their sins in front of the Almighty.

We thus ask the MERCIFUL ONE to be merciful to all our ghujaaj and may their “Labbyk”
be for the rest of their lives….

Imam M I Davids
June 2019/Shawwal 1440