
Jumuah 4 March 2022 . Sheikh Sadullah Khan
Local community news
Fitrah parcels Ramadaan 2020

Asalaamhu Alykum, a heartfelt shukran to all of those who kindly donated their Zakaah Fitrah & Fidyah to Ibaaduraghmaan Islamic Society in assisting us to feed the needy in these turbulent times may the Almighty protect you and place baraka in your lives Insha Allah ameen.
Those who have not had the chance there are 2 days left to do so KEEP SAFE
Fitrah parcels Ramadaan 2020
Fitrah parcels Ramadaan 2020
Tatler, April 2020
Our floodlight thikr

Masjied opening 8 September 2019
Jumuah Khutbah, Imam Isma-eel Davids 27-12-2019
Jumuah Observatory Imam Isma-eel Davids 20-12-2019
Sheigh Moegamad Philander

Thikr snippet

The Tatler Newspaper article , Masjied Feature 19 September 2019