Eid ul-fitr

Salaam all: I hope that you are all in the best of health and in good spirits. Many messages will float around of greetings of eid. I add to this in my own humble way as this is a night of laylatoel  jaiza (reward /graduation).
May Allah accept  all our ibaadah, qiyaam, siyaam, adiyaat and forgiveness. May the baraka and goodness prevail throughout the coming year inshAllah. May Allah forgive our deceased, heal the sick, guide the misguided, forgive us all, grant us a good life and a better ending inshAllah. A salaam from myself and family to your beautiful families. Koeloe aam wa antoem bie ghayr.

 – Imam Ismaeel Davids

Eid Message – Imam Ismaeel Davids
Takbeer by Ibaadur raghmaan thikr jamaah

Ramadan Notice

Asalaamhu Alykum

As we eagerly welcome this blessed holy month of Ramadan 1441, during these trying and troubled times, Ibaadur-Raghmaan would like to advise you that we will be accepting Zakaah, Fietra & Fidyah via EFT or Cash.
Fietra = R 40.00
Fidyah = R 10.00 per day.
This will be distributed amongst the copious amounts of the poor and needy that have been severely affected by our economic shutdown, due to the Covid-19 epidemic, by means of food parcels.

May the Almighty keep us safe, protect us and accept all our duas and Ibaadah Insha Allah.

The banking details are as follows:
Bank: Albaraka Bank Acc.
Name: Ibaadur-Raghmaan Islamic Society
Branch code: 800000
Acc. No. : 78600067281

Kindly contact Imam Isma-eel Davids to make alternative arrangements if you are unable to do an EFT on 083 340 1433.

Asalamoe alaykoem waragh matulla hie wa barakatu .

We hope this message finds everyone in the best of health and strong iemaan insha Allah.
We as the committee of the Ibaadur Raghmaan Islamic Society have taken the decision not to close the masjied for jamaa activities including jumuah. At this stage we feel that we should not close the doors of the house of Allah. Other masajied have taken steps as they field a big crowd, daily unlike us.
This does not mean we are not aware of the issues at hand. Numerous doctors were consulted and necessary role players that frequent the masjied, in making our decision. A few weeks ago, long before the outbreak, the masjied had sprayed the mats and set up new cleaning operations, as a precaution, as required by the Shariah.
All necessary steps have been looked at from our side including the spiritual. This is the time to turn to our Creator. The one who gives life and takes life. Athkaar has to be made now, more than ever. Places where angels encircle the participants, are needed as a means of help.
We are independent of all bodies but adhere and follow the majority when it comes to affairs of the ummah, here around us. So we marry some of the proposals made, with what we intend on doing, insha Allah.
Our beloved Rasul s.a.w. has warned us about, staying in a place that has a plague and not to enter it when you come from outside. This shows us that although he trusted in Allah, he took precautions. This is the true sunnah.
People who are sick especially those infected with flu, colds and respiratory ailments are advised to refrain from large gatherings and to get the necessary medical attention.

Take wudu multiple times a day if u can.
Wash the hands before and after eating as per hadeeth.
Wash hands regularly.
Cut the nails regularly as reported by our beloved Rasul s.a.w.
Eat what is halaal and tayyib. Say Biesmillah before eating.
Avoid coughing on, or close to others. Carry a handkerchief at all times. Place spit, phlegm in an appropriate covering, before disposing.
Take necessary medications and build up immune system.
Watch your contact with people. Especially in very crowded spaces. Also wash hands after handling money.
Read and educate yourselves as to what the virus is, does and how to avoid it insha Allah.

As for the spiritual:
Re-affirm your connection with Allah. Use the time to reflect and ponder about life, death and beyond.
Make lots of istigfaar. Seek Allahs help. Never stop making duah.
Give sadaqa to worthy causes. Sadaqa keeps away calamities.
Make athkaar, read quran and sincerely plea to Allah.
Re-connect with parents and family. Mend broken relationships. Visit family.
Educate yourself about deen.
Keep on praying. Make extra nawaafiel solaah. Appeal in the sujood to Allah. 
Live a good simple life. Dont hurt, mock, debase others, slander, hate, bother and defraud fellow humans.
This statement is issued from a balanced and rational perspective but it is open to review and changes. We will continue to assess the situation as it plays out insha Allah. An example of this is jumuah. If a few attend, Thur will be made, with a few words of naseegha. If the required amount is reached, jumuah will be made. Nothing is difficult in the Deen of Islam.
This is a time of severe testing. We as believers know this.
The statement is taken on behalf of our masjied and madrassa. It is not for public distribution. People have the right to do as they see fit insha Allah
It was done in all sincerity for the sake of Allah, in our weak and humble ability. 

May Allah accept and grant us ease. Protection from diseases, crime, violence, hatred, malice, jealousy, evil, bitterness, envy and anger. Ameen

Shukran to all.
Imam Isma-eel Davids

Management (handling, movement, storage and burial) of human remains of a person who died of 2019-nCoV

• Handling of the Human Remains must be strictly monitored by Environmental Health Practitioners throughout the process.
• Human remains shall be placed in a leak proof triple body bag both first two bags shall be transparent and sealed while the third one shall be non-transparent and unsealed.
• After the body has been placed in the triple body bag, the remains must be placed in a non-transparent coffin.
• The human remains must be transported in a manner that is in compliant with the provisions of the Regulations Relating to the Management of Human Remains. 
• The Human remains are considered contagious and should be kept only in designated health facilities’ mortuaries.
• Human Remains can only be transferred from one designated facility to another designated facility or from such to a cemetery or crematorium. 
• Under no circumstances shall the human remains be directly handled, whether for aesthetic, hygiene preparations, cultural or religious reasons. 
• The human remains may not be embalmed or viewed by breaking the seals of first two bags but by opening the third bag.
• Where it is feasible and acceptable to family culture and/or religion, it is strongly recommended that the remains be cremated. 
• In all cases, remains should not be kept in households for vigil or any purpose but be kept in designated health facility mortuary premises and directly transported from designated health facility mortuary straight to place of burial or cremation or the home on the day of burial/cremation.
• The body should be buried in a sufficiently deep grave to prevent access by rodents and carnivores.
• Human remains shall be placed in a triple body bag both first two bags shall be transparent and sealed while the third one shall be non-transparent and unsealed zip-up body bag with handles and appropriate BIOHARZARD warning tag written “hazard Group 4 Pathogens” before transporting to designated health facility mortuary.

Urgent Appeal!

There is a dire need for a larger permanent premises. Unfortunately, after scouring the immediate vicinity and surrounds over the past few years, no appropriate premises could be found. With the koederat of the Almighty, an opportunity has been presented to us in the form of an old Apostolic church in Eden Road, Observatory (Erf no 26920)

An offer to purchase has been accepted by the Seller for R4.3 million (excl. VAT). The Ibaadu-Raghmaan Islamic Society has until 15 March 2019 to raise these funds. We hereby make a heartfelt appeal to one and all involved in this opportunity to give Sadaqah-tul-Jariyah donations, irrespective of amount, for us to achieve our goal to purchase this church and convert it into a Mosque/Community Centre, Insha Allah.

Contributions can be made directly into our banking account
Banking details: Albaraka Bank
Account name: Ibaadu-Raghmaan Islamic Society
Branch Code: 800000
Acc. No. 78600067281

Contact: Imam Mogamat Isma-eel Davids 083 340 1433 or
Zain Kamies 0825370800