Theme for the Year:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Praise and Thanks belongs to the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and what is beyond it. Salutations upon our beloved Mogamad (SAW), the bravest, the noblest and best of Allah’s creations. Salaam upon his family, friends and all who follow him.

Our New Year is upon us. In Muharram, we re-affirm our commitment to Allah. The pandemic in our midst have taught us to return to Allah.

Muharram also symbolizes the Hijrah of the Prophet (SAW) to Madina. We move symbolically from darkness to light, from hopelessness to hope, from fear to safety, from ignorance to knowledge. From non-Ibaadah to Ibaadah, from wrongs to rights from sins to good deeds. We must make this change.

We have been taught so many lessons during this period, if we did not learn it, “Verily the loss is their own“ Quran.

We are reminded of the martyrdom of the Prophet (SAW) grandson Husayn (RA), who stood up against injustice and falsehood. We all face our own demons today. He gave his life. The ultimate sacrifice. Ask yourself what you will sacrifice for ALLAH? If we still are greedy, heedless, jealous and involved in things taking us away from Allah, then make a firm intention to Allah. Yes, to Allah. We are always trying to find Allah, yet we forget Allah was always there.
Oh! Lord awaits us…

From Ibaadur-Raghmaan Islamic Society, madrassa and affiliates we say Muharram Mubarak.
May the year ahead be to Allah and whatever we do for Allah.


Oh Allah, Lord of the Worlds. We have taken refuge with You, to protect us with the protection and safekeeping, that only You can provide.
Oh! One who veils, screen a veil of preservation of salvation over us. Forgive our sins and shortcomings.
Oh! Ever watchful; preserve us, our religion, our families, our property, our parents, our children and especially our Imaan (faith), keep away the whisperings of Shaytaan.
Oh! The One who grants pardon, forgive us for our past sins, accept our repentance (Tauba). Protect us against the hypocrites, murderers, disbelievers and jealous people.
Oh! The One who hears the plea of the distressed, ease our condition. You have shown us your punishment. Now, with your mercy show us your forgiveness and compassion.
Forgive us for the last year and grant us good and obedience in the coming year.
Grant us health and prosperity. Health and Riziq that is beneficial for us.
Grant to those who have passed away the Jannah.
Those that are sick, grant them health, Yaa Allah.
Those that are unemployed, riziq. Yaa Razzaaq.
Those that are alone, suffering in silence – Help them.
Those off the path of deen, in prison, guide them towards You – The One who changes hearts.
Ease our relationships with those we are angry with.
Let us forgive even those who mean us harm.
Let us do unto others, what we would like others to do to us.
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Oh! Allah assist the oppressed people of the world. Assist those in Palestine, Yemen, Kashmir, China, India, Syria and wherever there is tyranny.
Grant us victory over the enemies of Islam.
Let us return to our Masaajied, our circles of Athkaar, or halaal social gatherings.
Destroy what is evil, bad and negative for us in the sky before it reaches us.
Oh! Most Powerful.
Grant us a good year to come filled with Your Mercy. A year with abundant rain, good harvest of crops, animals, plant life, abundant Riziq and good health.
Protect us against crime, violence, hatred, malice, arrogance, jealousy, bitterness and laziness.
We turn to you, in our humble and sincere way, with the Baraka of the place, time and the Baraka of Mogamad (SAW), the sagabah, the pious and the Baraka that is found in our city.
Please accept our humble plea.

From the desk of: Imam Isma-eel Davids
Masjied Ibaadur Raghmaan
Cape Town

Masjied progress

It is with pure thankfulness to the Almighty, that we re-roofed our little masjied this week. Work was completed today by the Grace of the Almighty.

Your contributions have allowed us to complete this very important task.

The wood below the roof was in excellent condition considering the building is standing for 90 years. The objective is to fix as much as we can so that it lasts for another 90 years and beyond.

May Allahs name be glorified in it and may the words penetrate through the roof, which was put on with halaal funds, sincere intentions and hard work.

Once again, shukran to the committee, the donors, the builders, labourers, volunteers and to our true genuine well wishers for all the support .
May you continuously be blessed by Allah.


 – Imam Ismaeel Davids

Masjied progress

Salaam all. A BIG shukr to all who unselfishly contributed to the re-roofing of the massajied. May the Almighty reward you abundantly Insha Allah. Algamdullilah the roof tiles were delivered today we now await the roofing contractor to commence the installation.

Also, a big shukr to our High T supporters we love you guys.

Blanket Drive

A big shukr to all who so kindly contributed to the blanket drive. Alhamdullilah it has exceeded our expectations, may the Almighty reward you Insha Allah ameen.