Marriage Classes 2024

Marriage classes starts on 23 January after magrieb Insha’Allah.

Housewives/househusbands, morning classes are on Tuesday mornings from 11:30am – 12:30pm starting on the 6 February 2024.

Venue: Masjied Ibaadur Raghmaan
6 Eden Road, Observatory
Hope to see you there

Masjied Updates

Construction has started next to the masjied, to extend and to accommodate more musallies. Please contribute to building as a Sadaqatoel Jariyah Insha’Allah.

Imam Mogamat Isma-eel Davids

Banking details for all donations, zakaah, fitra, fidyah, sadaqah:
Bank Name: Albaraka Bank
Acc. Name: Ibaadur Raghmaan IS
Branch Code: 800000
Acc. No. 78600067281