Masjied notices and updates

Asalaamu Alaykum to all.

We hope you are all in the best of health and in the Mercy of the Almighty.

Just keeping everyone updated with the latest Ibaadur Raghmaan Islamic Society developments and Masjied activities:

1. Algamdulilah with the grace of Allah our Imam is recovering very well. He is back to his normal self and enjoying the well-deserved break. He thanks everyone for their duahs and messages.

2. The masjied will open on 26th March for Jumuah only InshAllah. All necessary Covid-19 protocols to be followed.

3. All classes to resume after the 6 days of Shawwaal InshAllah – Monday and Tuesday evenings, all info will be communicated in due time.

4. Then to our most positive message: Algamdulilah through the qudrah of Allah only. The property right next to the masjied in Roman Road has become available. We put in an offer and it was accepted Algamdulilah. The niyyah has always been to acquire property that the masjied oversees, we don’t know the future and in this way the masjied can become self-sufficient. Also it will serve as a caretakers quarters and now daily awqaat can be made Algamdulilaah. The property can allow for future expansion InshAllah – Allah knows best. We appeal to all to contribute to this wonderful opportunity to invest in their Aagierah, make a Sadaqatoel Jaariyah on behalf of a deceased family member InshAllah. Any amount you give is considered a big contribution in the eyes of the Creator.

Contributions can be made directly into our banking account
Banking details: Albaraka Bank
Account name: Ibaadur-Raghmaan Islamic Society
Branch Code: 800000
Acc. No. 78600067281

5. For now we are going ahead in our planning of Taraweeg at the masjied with the hope that we are able to complete the month without any lockdown interruptions InshAllah. Meraaj programme will be via online platform but Laylatoel Baraa (Roewa), we hope to have at the masjied InshAllah and notifications will be sent out. We ask Allah to grant us to see Ramadaan this year, InshAllah.

6. We have lost many loved ones, and all of us have been affected by the pandemic. We remember Igsaan Akoojee, Waleed Orrie, Sedick Blommetjies and Ridwaan Davids who was part of our Ibaadur Raghmaan family. May Allah reward them and grant them a high place in Jannah InshAllah

7. We continue to make duah for the success of our masjied and all of those who work for the benefit of the poor, needy and oppressed. Continue to support the masjied and make duah we will be able to resume our tasbeegh solaah, raatibul gaddad and attaas, gatam al quran and programmes soon InshAllah.

May Allah bless you and your families, InshAllah.

Imam and Committee.