Urgent Appeal!

There is a dire need for a larger permanent premises. Unfortunately, after scouring the immediate vicinity and surrounds over the past few years, no appropriate premises could be found. With the koederat of the Almighty, an opportunity has been presented to us in the form of an old Apostolic church in Eden Road, Observatory (Erf no 26920)

An offer to purchase has been accepted by the Seller for R4.3 million (excl. VAT). The Ibaadu-Raghmaan Islamic Society has until 15 March 2019 to raise these funds. We hereby make a heartfelt appeal to one and all involved in this opportunity to give Sadaqah-tul-Jariyah donations, irrespective of amount, for us to achieve our goal to purchase this church and convert it into a Mosque/Community Centre, Insha Allah.

Contributions can be made directly into our banking account
Banking details: Albaraka Bank
Account name: Ibaadu-Raghmaan Islamic Society
Branch Code: 800000
Acc. No. 78600067281

Contact: Imam Mogamat Isma-eel Davids 083 340 1433 or
Zain Kamies 0825370800