Eid ul-fitr

Salaam all: I hope that you are all in the best of health and in good spirits. Many messages will float around of greetings of eid. I add to this in my own humble way as this is a night of laylatoel  jaiza (reward /graduation).
May Allah accept  all our ibaadah, qiyaam, siyaam, adiyaat and forgiveness. May the baraka and goodness prevail throughout the coming year inshAllah. May Allah forgive our deceased, heal the sick, guide the misguided, forgive us all, grant us a good life and a better ending inshAllah. A salaam from myself and family to your beautiful families. Koeloe aam wa antoem bie ghayr.

 – Imam Ismaeel Davids

Eid Message – Imam Ismaeel Davids
Takbeer by Ibaadur raghmaan thikr jamaah