Ramadan Notice

Asalaamhu Alykum

As we eagerly welcome this blessed holy month of Ramadan 1441, during these trying and troubled times, Ibaadur-Raghmaan would like to advise you that we will be accepting Zakaah, Fietra & Fidyah via EFT or Cash.
Fietra = R 40.00
Fidyah = R 10.00 per day.
This will be distributed amongst the copious amounts of the poor and needy that have been severely affected by our economic shutdown, due to the Covid-19 epidemic, by means of food parcels.

May the Almighty keep us safe, protect us and accept all our duas and Ibaadah Insha Allah.

The banking details are as follows:
Bank: Albaraka Bank Acc.
Name: Ibaadur-Raghmaan Islamic Society
Branch code: 800000
Acc. No. : 78600067281

Kindly contact Imam Isma-eel Davids to make alternative arrangements if you are unable to do an EFT on 083 340 1433.